ClimateQUAL™: Organizational Climate and Diversity Assessment
Martha Kyrillidou, Charles Lowry, Paul Hanges, Juliet Aiken and Kristina Justh, Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, March 12-15, 2009: Pushing the Edge: Explore, Engage, Extend, edited by Dawn M. Mueller, 150-164. Chicago: American Library Association, 2009. (2009)
Diversity, Organizational Climate, and Organizational Culture: The Role They Play in Influencing Organizational Effectiveness
P.J. Hanges, J. Aiken and X. Chen, Proceedings of the Library Assessment Conference, 359-368, Charlottesville, VA, 2006. (2007)
From Organizational Assessment to Organizational Change: The University of Maryland Library Experience
M. Sue Baughman, Johnnie Love, Charles Lowry and Maggie Saponaro, Proceedings of the Library Assessment Conference. Charlottesville, VA, 2006. (2007)
Continuous Organizational Development – Teamwork, Learning, Leadership, and Measurement
Charles Lowry, Libraries and the Academy 5 (1), 1-6. (2005)
Articles and Reports View all
Service Climate
Benjamin Schneider and Susan S. White, in Benjamin Schneider and Susan S. White, eds., Service Quality: Research Perspectives, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (2004): 91-134.
Results of the University of Maryland Libraries' Organizational Culture and Diversity Assessment
Lisa H. Nishii, Jana L. Raver and Alexandria L. Dominguez, Report, College Park, MD: University of Maryland (2000).
The Climate for Service: Evolution of a Construct
Benjamin Schneider, David E. Bowen, Mark G. Ehrhart and Karen M. Holcombe, in Neal M. Ashkanasy, Celeste P.M. Wilderom and Mark F. Peterson, eds., Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (2000): 21-36.
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