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ClimateQUAL® and ClimateQUAL® Lite Survey Comparison
Association of Research Libraries. (2017). ClimateQUAL® and ClimateQUAL® Lite Survey Comparison.
Subcultures and Values in Academic Libraries - What does ClimateQUAL® Research Tell Us?
Charles Lowry, Paper, Proceedings of the 9th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, August 22-26, 2011, York, England: Proving Value in Challenging Times, Ian Hall, Stephen Thornton and Stephen Town (eds.), (November 2012): 221-227.
ClimateQUAL: Organizational Climate and Diversity Assessment
M. Sue Baughman and Martha Kyrillidou, C&RL News 70 (3), 154-157. (2009)
ClimateQUAL™: Organizational Climate and Diversity Assessment
Martha Kyrillidou, Charles Lowry, Paul Hanges, Juliet Aiken and Kristina Justh, Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, March 12-15, 2009: Pushing the Edge: Explore, Engage, Extend, edited by Dawn M. Mueller, 150-164. Chicago: American Library Association, 2009. (2009)
What is the Healthy Organization? Organizational Climate and Diversity Assessment: A Research Partnership
Charles Lowry and Paul Hanges, Libraries and the Academy. 8, no. 1 (2008), 1–5. (2008)
Diversity, Organizational Climate, and Organizational Culture: The Role They Play in Influencing Organizational Effectiveness
P.J. Hanges, J. Aiken and X. Chen, Proceedings of the Library Assessment Conference, 359-368, Charlottesville, VA, 2006. (2007)
From Organizational Assessment to Organizational Change: The University of Maryland Library Experience
M. Sue Baughman, Johnnie Love, Charles Lowry and Maggie Saponaro, Proceedings of the Library Assessment Conference. Charlottesville, VA, 2006. (2007)
Continuous Organizational Development – Teamwork, Learning, Leadership, and Measurement
Charles Lowry, Libraries and the Academy 5 (1), 1-6. (2005)

Articles and Reports View all

Strategically Focusing on Focus Groups to Improve Organizational Climate
Michael Crumpton, Research Library Issues: A Report from ARL, CNI, and SPARC, no. 286 (2015): 8-17.
Phase 1 OCDA Scale Results: Psychometric Assessment and Descriptive Statistics for Partner Libraries
Paul J. Hanges, Juliet Aiken, Xiafang Chen and Hali Chambers, Report, College Park, MD: University of Maryland (2007).
Understanding Organizational-Customer Links in Service Settings
Benjamin Schneider, Mark G. Ehrhart, David M. Mayer, Jessica L. Saltz and Kathryn Niles-Jolly, Academy of Management Journal 48, no. 6 (2005): 1017-1032.
Being Different: A Study of Relational Demography and the Influence of Individual and Team Characteristics
Kirsten Michelle Keller, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Maryland (2005).
The University of Maryland Libraries’ Organizational Climate and Culture Survey
Paul Hanges, Lisa M. Leslie, and Kirsten Keller, Report, College Park, MD: University of Maryland (2005).
Service Climate
Benjamin Schneider and Susan S. White, in Benjamin Schneider and Susan S. White, eds., Service Quality: Research Perspectives, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (2004): 91-134.
The service organization: Human resources management is crucial
Benjamin Schneider and David E. Bowen, Organizational Dynamics 21, no. 4 (1993): 39-52.
Climate Strength: A New Direction for Climate Research
Benjamin Schneider, Amy Nicole Salvaggio and Montse Subirats, Journal of Applied Psychology 87, no. 2 (2002): 220-229.
Results of the University of Maryland Libraries' Organizational Culture and Diversity Assessment
Lisa H. Nishii, Jana L. Raver and Alexandria L. Dominguez, Report, College Park, MD: University of Maryland (2000).
The Climate for Service: Evolution of a Construct
Benjamin Schneider, David E. Bowen, Mark G. Ehrhart and Karen M. Holcombe, in Neal M. Ashkanasy, Celeste P.M. Wilderom and Mark F. Peterson, eds., Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (2000): 21-36.

Conference Papers View all

Subcultures and Values in Academic Libraries - What does ClimateQUAL® Research Tell Us?
Charles Lowry, Paper, Proceedings of the 9th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, August 22-26, 2011, York, England: Proving Value in Challenging Times, Ian Hall, Stephen Thornton and Stephen Town (eds.), (November 2012): 221-227.
ClimateQUAL™: Organizational Climate and Diversity Assessment
Martha Kyrillidou, Charles Lowry, Paul Hanges, Juliet Aiken, and Kristina Justh, Paper, Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, March 12-15, 2009, Seattle, Washington: Pushing the Edge: Explore, Engage, Extend, Dawn M Mueller (ed), (March 2009): 150-164.

Presentations View all

ClimateQUAL: Advancing organizational health, leadership and diversity in the service of libraries -- a preliminary report
Charles Lowry, Presentation, 12th International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries, Oxford, England, August 1, 2017.
Introduction to ClimateQUAL Lite
Shaneka Morris, Webcast, Association of Research Libraries, September 11, 2014.
Introduction to ClimateQUAL Lite (slides)
Shaneka Morris, Webcast, Association of Research Libraries, September 11, 2014.
LibQUAL+ and ClimateQUAL at York
Stephen Town, Presentation, LibQUAL+ Exchange of Experience Workshop, 10th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, York, England, July 22, 2013.
Library Assessment Using the Tools of StatsQUAL®
Gary Roebuck, Presentation, VALE-NJ Assessment Tool Fair, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, May 23, 2013.
ClimateQUAL­® Webcast
Martha Kyrillidou, Paul Hanges, Jay Schafer, Jean Zanoni, David Green, Sue Baughman, Video, Webcast Briefing, Online, April 17, 2012.
ClimateQUAL­® Webcast (slides)
Martha Kyrillidou, Paul Hanges, Jay Schafer, Jean Zanoni, David Green, Sue Baughman, Presentation, Webcast Briefing, Online, April 17, 2012.
ClimateQUAL Results: Informing Our Strategic Planning
Meredith Taylor, Presentation, American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Dallas, TX, January, 2012.
Kathryn Crowe, Presentation, ClimateQUAL Partners Meeting - ALA Midwinter Meeting, Dallas, TX, January 2012.
Using ClimateQUAL to Move the Organization Forward
Janice Welburn, Presentation, American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Dallas, TX, January, 2012.

Proceedings of the Library Assessment Conference View all

ClimateQUAL® and Thinklets: Using ClimateQUAL® with Thinklets to Facilitate Discussion and Set Priorities for Organizational Change at Criss Library
Audrey DeFrank and Nora Hillyer, in Proceedings of the 2010 Library Assessment Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, October 24-27, 2010, edited by Steve Hiller, Kristina Justh, Martha Kyrillidou, and Jim Self, 749-758. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, 2011.
After the Data: Taking Action on ClimateQUAL® Results
Elizabeth Mengel, Judith Smith, and Elizabeth Uzelac, in Proceedings of the 2010 Library Assessment Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, October 24-27, 2010, edited by Steve Hiller, Kristina Justh, Martha Kyrillidou, and Jim Self, 759-767. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, 2011.

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Developing a Diversity-Competent Workforce: The UA Libraries’ Experience
Ricardo Andradea and Alexandra Riverab, Journal of Library Administration, 51, (7-8), 692-727. (2011)
On Becoming an Employer of Choice: Gauging Employee Satisfaction Through ClimateQUAL®
Xin Li and Linda Bryan, Library Trends, Volume 59, Numbers 1-2, Summer 2010/Fall 2010, 256-268. (2010)
Staffing in the 21st Century: New Challenges and Strategic Opportunities
R. E. Ployhart, Journal of Management, 32, 868-897. (2006)
Surface and Deep-level Diversity in Workgroups: Examining the Moderating Effects of Team Orientation and Team Process on Relationship Conflict
S. Mohammed and L.C. Angell, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25, 1015-1039. (2004)
Organizational Culture and Climate
C. Ostroff, A.J. Kinicki and M.M. Tamkins, In W.C. Borman, D.R. Ilgen, & R.J. Klimoski (Eds), Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology, Volume 12: I/O Psychology, 565-594. New York: John Wiley & Sons. (2003)
Attraction - Selection - Attrition Model of Organizational Functioning
B. Schneider, D. B. Smith and M. C. Paul, In M. Erez, H. Thierry, & U. Kleinbeck (Eds.), Work motivation in the context of a globalizing economy. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. (2002)
Minority Dissent and Team Innovation: The Importance of Participation in Decision Making
C.K.W. De Dreu and M.A. West, Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 1191-1201. (2001)
Shaping Service Cultures Through Strategic Human Resources Management
D. E. Bowen, B. Schneider and S. Kim, In T.A. Swartz & D. Iacobucci (Eds.), Handbook of services marketing and management. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (2000)
The Psychological Life of Organizations
B. Schneider, In Ashkanasy, N., Wilderon, C., & Peterson, M. (Eds.), Handbook of organizational culture and climate, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. xvii-xxi. (2000)
Beyond Relational Demography: Time and the Effects of Surface and Deep-level Diversity on Work Group Cohesion
D.A. Harrison, K.H. Prive and M.P. Bell, Academy of Management Journal, 41, 96–107. (1998)