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26 records found

ClimateQUAL: Advancing organizational health, leadership and diversity in the service of libraries -- a preliminary report
Charles Lowry, Presentation, 12th International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries, Oxford, England, August 1, 2017.
Publication Type: Presentations
Introduction to ClimateQUAL Lite
Shaneka Morris, Webcast, Association of Research Libraries, September 11, 2014.
Publication Type: Presentations
Introduction to ClimateQUAL Lite (slides)
Shaneka Morris, Webcast, Association of Research Libraries, September 11, 2014.
Publication Type: Presentations
LibQUAL+ and ClimateQUAL at York
Stephen Town, Presentation, LibQUAL+ Exchange of Experience Workshop, 10th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, York, England, July 22, 2013.
Publication Type: Presentations
Library Assessment Using the Tools of StatsQUAL®
Gary Roebuck, Presentation, VALE-NJ Assessment Tool Fair, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, May 23, 2013.
Publication Type: Presentations
ClimateQUAL­® Webcast
Martha Kyrillidou, Paul Hanges, Jay Schafer, Jean Zanoni, David Green, Sue Baughman, Video, Webcast Briefing, Online, April 17, 2012.
Publication Type: Presentations
ClimateQUAL­® Webcast (slides)
Martha Kyrillidou, Paul Hanges, Jay Schafer, Jean Zanoni, David Green, Sue Baughman, Presentation, Webcast Briefing, Online, April 17, 2012.
Publication Type: Presentations
ClimateQUAL Results: Informing Our Strategic Planning
Meredith Taylor, Presentation, American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Dallas, TX, January, 2012.
Publication Type: Presentations
Kathryn Crowe, Presentation, ClimateQUAL Partners Meeting - ALA Midwinter Meeting, Dallas, TX, January 2012.
Publication Type: Presentations
Using ClimateQUAL to Move the Organization Forward
Janice Welburn, Presentation, American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Dallas, TX, January, 2012.
Publication Type: Presentations
Why ClimateQUAL™? Texas A&M's Diversity Plan - Accountability, Climate, Equity: The Year of Climate Assessment - There's $$$ on the Table!
Michael Maciel, Presentation, American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Dallas, TX, January, 2012.
Publication Type: Presentations
Subcultures and Values in Academic Libraries – What Does ClimateQUAL® Research Tell Us?
Charles Lowry, Presentation, Parallel Session 5: Quality Strand, Staff Measures Session, 9th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, York, England, August 23, 2011.
Publication Type: Presentations
Organizational Climate and Diversity Assessment: A Value-based Approach Manifested through the ARL ClimateQUAL® Assessment Protocol
Paul Hanges and Martha Kyrillidou, Presentation, Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Libraries, Athens, Greece, May 25, 2011.
Publication Type: Presentations
An Introduction to ClimateQUAL
Martha Kyrillidou, Presentation, 158th ARL Membership Meeting, Montreal, Canada, May 6, 2011. (Audio available:
Publication Type: Presentations
Insights from ClimateQUAL at Northwestern
Sarah Pritchard, Presentation, 158th ARL Membership Meeting, Montreal, Canada, May 6, 2011. (Audio available:
Publication Type: Presentations
After the Data: Taking Action on ClimateQUAL® Results
Elizabeth Mengel, Judith Smith, and Elizabeth Uzelac, Presentation, Library Assessment Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, October 25-27, 2010.
Publication Type: Presentations
ClimateQUAL® and Thinklets: Using ClimateQUAL® with Thinklets to Facilitate Discussion and Set Priorities for Organizational Change at Criss Library
Nora Hillyer and Audrey DeFrank, Presentation, Library Assessment Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, October 25-27, 2010.
Publication Type: Presentations
Striving for Excellence: Climate Matters
Shelley Phipps, Brinley Franklin, and Shikha Sharma, Presentation, Library Assessment Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, October 25-27, 2010.
Publication Type: Presentations
ClimateQUAL®, Change Strategies and Organizational Improvement
Sue Baughman, Paul Hanges, Martha Kyrillidou, and Mark Puente, Presentation, 2010 National Diversity in Libraries Conference, Princeton, NJ, July 15, 2010.
Publication Type: Presentations
ClimateQUAL™: 2009 Activities
MaShana Davis, David Green and Martha Kyrillidou, ClimateQUAL™ Partners Meeting - ALA Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, July 10, 2009.
Publication Type: Presentations
ClimateQUAL™: Organizational Climate and Diversity Assessment
Sue Baughman, Presentation, Texas Library Association Conference. Houston, TX, April, 2009.
Publication Type: Presentations
ClimateQUAL™: Organizational Climate and Diversity Assessment
Martha Kyrillidou, Charles Lowry and Paul Hanges, Presentation, ACRL 14th National Conference, Seattle, WA, March 14, 2009.
Publication Type: Presentations
ClimateQUAL™: Organizational Climate and Diversity Assessment
Sue Baughman, Presentation, Living the Future Conference, Tucson, AZ, May, 2008.
Publication Type: Presentations
Organizational Diversity and Climate Assessment
Paul J. Hanges, Presentation, Library Assessment Conference, Charlottesville, VA, September 27, 2006.
Publication Type: Presentations
From Organizational Assessment to Organizational Change: The University of Maryland Library Experience
M Sue Baughman, Johnnie Love, Charles Lowry and Maggie Saponaro, Presentation, Library Assessment Conference. Charlottesville, VA, September 26, 2006.
Publication Type: Presentations
How to Know If It's Real: Assessing Diversity and Organizational Climate
Jane Williams, Presentation, National Diversity in Libraries Conference, Atlanta, GA, May, 2004.
Publication Type: Presentations