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Subcultures and Values in Academic Libraries - What does ClimateQUAL® Research Tell Us?
Charles Lowry, Paper, Proceedings of the 9th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, August 22-26, 2011, York, England: Proving Value in Challenging Times, Ian Hall, Stephen Thornton and Stephen Town (eds.), (November 2012): 221-227.
Publication Type: Conference Papers
ClimateQUAL™: Organizational Climate and Diversity Assessment
Martha Kyrillidou, Charles Lowry, Paul Hanges, Juliet Aiken, and Kristina Justh, Paper, Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, March 12-15, 2009, Seattle, Washington: Pushing the Edge: Explore, Engage, Extend, Dawn M Mueller (ed), (March 2009): 150-164.
Publication Type: Conference Papers